Tuesday, January 05, 2010


Our house still has its original electric furnace.  Blech.  That means it costs us an arm and a leg to use it.  We found that out the hard way.  Chris and I don't like to be cold.  We hates it.  And because we are self indulgent, that means our furnace has always been set on 71 or 72 in the winter.  Because we also like lounging around in our underwear.  We're way spoiled, obviously.  So our power bill for December was absolutely outrageous and somewhat crippling, really, and now we've had to change the way things are meant to be
Luckily for us, our house came with a wood stove.  It's a smallish old thing and it's a bit drafty, but it appears to actually work well enough to keep our entire house warm.  We were thinking about getting a new one, but I think we've nixed that plan.  We were also thinking about getting a new furnace, but that was dismissed as well.  We are determined not to go farther into debt. 
So I've been learning how to build a fire in the wood stove.  I've had limited experience trying to build them in my in laws' wood stove, but I've always failed.  I've also pretty much failed in building lasting, hot fires in our little stove- until today, my friends, until today.  I woke up too late to revive the fire Chris built this morning.  I tried, and I'm actually a bit decent at fire revival (but let's face it, it's pretty easy), but there just weren't enough live coals left.  And then I built a fire that I had to fight a bit to get going, but eventually, it was beautiful.  I'm so proud of myself, folks.  It took a while for it to start radiating heat into the rest of the house, but right now it's comfortable enough that I could be in just my underwear if I wanted to be.  But, uh, don't worry 'cuz I'm not. 
My husband and I sat down yesterday to look at our finances and make a plan for the next couple of years.  First off, it was really apparent how much less we make without me working.  I realize that what I do at home in caring for our kid is valuable, but I still feel guilty about not contributing to our income.  I'm not sure I'll ever stop feeling guilty until I find some way to add to our bank account through my own efforts.  Chris doesn't feel the same way as I do, though.
The process of looking ahead and making plans was really upsetting for me.  Chris already talked about it on his blog, so I guess I can say something here.  He's *probably* (but not certainly) going to be deployed again sometime later this year.  I've done pretty well about not dwelling on it, but we had to talk about it last night, and I'm just really messed up about it.  I hate it so much when he's gone.  And this time I'll have Ben, and and just wish we could all be together.  We've been trying to look at the positives like the extra pay that will be coming and how much we'll be able to save, but to be honest, the money just isn't worth it to me.  I just wish he could stay home with us.  But time will probably go even faster than it did last time he was deployed.  We were thinking that we'd record Chris reading a bunch of books on video, so Ben can see him every day.  I want him to be able to recognize his Dad when he comes back.  Any other ideas on what we could do to keep them close during the deployment?

I've got to wrap this up, but I don't want to end on such a crappy note.  My title reminded me of this SNL short.  It makes me laugh so much.


  1. Maybe we should take a video of me sitting at my computer picking my nose, so Ben will be used to seeing me in my usual state.

  2. I'm reading this in my underwear. Really. And that Firelight was freakin' hilarious, my laugh woke up the baby.
    the word verification for this is rantman, ha ha, get it, rant-man, ha ha. okay i know that's stupid, but i'm excited to see you soon.

  3. I'm in my underwear too! But I have other clothes on as well because they make us while we're at work.

    And it's a well known fact that you're better at fire revival while listening to Creedence Clearwater Revival. That's what I do.

  4. You guys should get one of those robots that Chris can control from his computer wherever he is. It can roll around and has a video camera, microphone, and speakers that he can talk out of. I think they are around a hundred bucks now, as they came out a few years ago. However, you might end up with a peeping tom...

  5. Your dad would be watching us? Gross! (Come on, you had to know that was coming.)

  6. hahaha peeping tom lol. i can't even imagine kelley being gone 12-15 months!!! isn't that how long the army deployment is? i can't even handle six months! and the worst part is that he is actually getting payed LESS while he is deployed so the money definitely isn't worth him being gone.

  7. kelley made a video for bella of him reading a book. she talks to his image the whole time in her flirty voice. i would suggest taking videos of other things like singing....but somehow i dont see chris singing lullabies or head shoulders knees and toes......ha ha ha.

  8. I know what you mean about feeling guilty. Ever since we moved and I've just been a SAHM, I feel like I can't even buy stuff for myself anymore. And buying gifts for Mike is just ridiculous, because afterall, it's the money HE earned that I'm buying it with. :)
    When Mike and I went on a long trip without the boy, we recorded our voices telling stories that my in-laws could play for him before bedtime. The video sounds better though. I feel so sad for you that you have to be away from your hubby. The money wouldn't be worth it for me either. But you'll be strong. Just surround yourself with lots of people and projects and hopefully the time will go by faster.
    Congrats on building a killer fire, by the way!
