Monday, November 21, 2011

Okay, so I'm being kind of cheap.

I should be posting something with actual substance since I haven't posted in forever, but I'm not.  Apologies in advance.  I'm blogging about a giveaway.  I love Mindy Gledhill.  She has such a beautiful voice, and I love singing with her music.  You should check her out here and here

Between West & Main is having a giveaway, and they're giving four lucky winners Mindy's new Christmas album, Winter Moon.  Gaaah!!  I want to wiiiin!  (Please say that like Nacho Libre in your head).  Anyway, you should head over there and enter.

And just so you're not too disappointed in my cheap post, I will throw you a bone.

Cheap post complete.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I fully intended to post a lot sooner to prove Chris' comment on my last post wrong, but time gets away from you when you have a couple of hoovers perma-attached to your boobs.  Life now is full of broken sleep, changing diapers, nursing, nursing, nursing, and snuggling two sweet wonderful little newborn babies.  They're growing so fast already.  I'm so lucky. 
They're doing so well.  And so far, in comparison to Ben as a newborn, they're dream babies.  Obviously, I'm still sleep deprived, and it's hard to get anything done.  That's just how it is when you have a newborn or two.  They go back and forth between sleeping well on their own and requiring arms to hold them while they sleep, but I think with practice they'll get better at sleeping on their own.  I love holding them while they sleep, but necessity dictates that they will have to sleep out of arms sometimes.  Ben still needs me very much.  He's kind of a mama's boy.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

A two for one special

They're here, folks.  We woke up ridiculously early last Tuesday morning (2/22) and went to the hospital to have us some babies.  It was really weird for me as I sat in triage for a non stress test for the babies and an IV for me as I thought about how I would be leaving there in a few days as a mother of three instead of one.  I didn't really have any anxiety about how the c-section would go, but I did have a bit of anxiety about the babies' health.  Just because that's what a mom tends to do.  Well, I do anyway.  I worry about the unknown.

My surgery started promptly at 7:30 am.  Half of the staff in the room had twin children (or triplets) and one person was a twin.  Everyone was also pretty excited about delivering my twins.  My spinal was administered easily, and it wasn't too painful.  They weren't kidding when they told me how fast it would take effect.  My legs were half numb by the time they pulled them up onto the table.  And then there was all the prep, and everyone chatted and joked.  It was a pretty pleasant atmosphere in spite of being mostly naked and numb on a big table with lots of strangers crowded around me.  And my stomach, of course, was just ridiculously huge.  Chris took his place behind the blue curtain at my head, and things got underway.

Pretty quickly, I heard my doctor proclaim the presence of Baby A's head and very shortly thereafter I heard an angry cry.  And then they pulled him the rest of the way out.  He was so mad about leaving, he started yelling about it before he was even entirely born.  After that, I felt more weird tugging around in my abdomen, and my doctor laughing about how slippery Baby B was.  Pretty quickly, they pulled him out, though.  We heard another angry cry.  I cried, of course.  It all seemed very unreal from the beginning until I heard those babies cry.

Bruce Banner (left) was born at 7:47 am, weighing 7 lbs 6.5 oz.  Logan X was born at 7:49 am, weighing 7 lbs 3.5 oz.  They are amazing and incredible and awesome.  And I'll tell you more about them later when I have slept some. :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

If you could take a nap for me, that'd be great.

I am so utterly tired.  And it's so hard to sleep.  I'm pretty sure I woke up fifty bajillion times last night just to roll my giant belly from one side to the other to keep my hips from having a revolt and killing me.  I felt bad about it because it was my husband's first night home (!!!!!!!!!!) on leave, and I'm sure I disturbed him more than once.  And then Ben came in to get in bed with us very early.  It took him awhile to get back to sleep, and the position he fell asleep in was you know, right up against me because the kid is a pretty snuggly little guy.  I love snuggles, but it's hard to sleep when you have so many kids on top of you.  I'm going to have to cut off his morning routine of coming into my room to go back to sleep.  I don't really know how I'm going to do it, though.  It's one of his favorite things. 
I have 3 days until my babies are born.  I'm 38 weeks pregnant today, and I am astounded that I've made it this far.  I am also just ridiculously huge. 

This is last night before I went out and ate a big delicious steak.  My stomach almost makes my butt look small, which really has just never happened before.  Just for comparison, here's my post at 39 weeks with Ben.  The distance is a lot different, but I think you'll be able to see through that eye trickery.  My belleh is stupidly big. 
I'm so excited!  And so nervous!  Two newborn babies just seems completely insane!  And yet, it will work somehow.  My mother in law managed to have three children who were five and under and successfully gestate twins to 41 weeks (I die.) before having them and subsequently raising them.  So, yes, it will work somehow.  And if I had to go to 41 weeks, I'm convinced I really would die.  A lot.  I also have so many family members and friends who have helped and are willing to continue helping me.  I've been very blessed on that front, for sure.  My mom is a huge help with Ben.  He loves his Nana.  He tells me so, "I yuv Nana," he says.
He is also now obsessed with his Dad, now that he's home.  It's so adorable, and I love it.  We were both afraid that Ben might forget Chris, but that has definitely not been the case.  Ben talks to Chris on the phone, and when he saw him at the airport, he knew exactly who he he was.  I couldn't see Ben's face, but I could see the sides of his cheeks in a huge smile. 
I'm sure I have more I'd like to write here, but I also have a husband with whom to spend my time (finally!).  So that's that.  I'll try to post pictures of the babies as soon as I can after they're born. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Biggest watermelon ever

I am currently 34 and a half weeks along now.  And also very very tired pretty much all the time.  And also it hurts when I walk.  My pelvic floor is not a happy camper these days.  Let me show you why.

I'm smuggling three hams and a turkey in there.
The kids are growing well.  The last growth scan I had two weeks ago showed them each to be about four and a half lbs each.  I imagine they're easily at least five lbs now.  I'm not having contractions other than the usual Braxton Hicks, and my cervix is pretty sleepy, just like me.  I have four more weeks until my c-section.  I don't have a specific date yet, but I will on Thursday at my next appointment.  I would wish to go a little sooner, but I'm pretty excited to have Chris home for the birth.  I think it will be worth it to do whatever I can to keep them in there until he gets home.  Exciting stuff here, people.  So why am I so sleepy?  Oh yeah, I have a crazy two year old.

My mom is here now!  I'm so glad that she's here for so long.  She's staying until May- my sister Eve is having a baby in May, so she'll be stealing Mom back from me.  Mom's been such a big help already.  She cleans for me and watches Ben.  Also, she's a great friend to have with me.  You get a little crazy when you only have a toddler to talk to all the time.  And man, we can talk.  Mom and I, I mean- not Ben and I.  Although Ben is pretty talkative, too.  But he says stuff like, "Mommy sleeping?  Ben sleeping, too" right before he puts his cold little fingers in my eyes and nose and laughs.  Ben will pretty much never sleep out of choice.  Ever.  He will also repeat everything he hears, like when I was talking to Chris on the phone and telling him that someone was a butthole.  How does Ben know to which word is potentially the most offensive word to repeat?

Baby A is now head down, which doesn't matter much because I'm getting sliced and diced, but Baby B is still transverse.  Baby A's butt is in Baby B's face.  This is a 3d picture of the two of them.  It was difficult getting any 3d pictures of either of them because they weren't very cooperative.  Baby A kept his face hidden, and Baby B kept moving all around.  Every time the tech would try taking a 3d image of his face, he would wiggle around, and it would look all blobby monster baby.  Or maybe that's just what he looks like, but I hope not.  So the only somewhat good picture we have of them is this one, which is kind of sad.  But funny.

I'm almost ready for these babies.  My mom helped me clean out all the junk in my bedroom, and I think we'll be working on my craft room next.  I have a lot of diapers to make.  Yes, I plan on doing cloth with the twinkles.  Cloth diapering Ben hasn't really been all that different then using disposable diapers.  It's actually easier in some ways because I don't have dirty diaper trash to take out, and I also don't have to go to the store to buy diapers.  The laundry isn't a big deal.  It's just one load every other day.  I also just recently installed a sprayer onto my toilet downstairs to spray poop off into the toilet before I wash.  It's wonderful, and my washing machine is kept a lot cleaner.  The only inconvenience I have is when I have to strip the diapers because I still haven't really figured out exactly what works for them.  But once I do, it won't be an issue anymore.  I'm definitely looking forward to saving all that money, though.  Sometimes I still have a hard time adjusting to living on one income even though it's been almost two years since I got laid off.  I still feel guilty for not contributing monetarily to our household, but I try to help out where I can.

I'm getting more and more excited to meet our new babies as the time gets so close, and I'm becoming more ready for them to be here.  I mean, seriously, did you see my belly up there?  I didn't know my skin could stretch so much, and they're not even done growing yet.  But all in good time.  I'm even more excited to have my husband home to greet them with me.